Back in 1962, during the Century Twenty-One World’s Fair, the United States Science Pavilion opened up in the shadow of the Space Needle. It was here that millions of visitors came to experience scientific wonders and the promise of the future. After the fair closed down, the Science Pavilion lived on as the Pacific Science Center, the first museum in the US founded as a center of science and technology. In 2010, the center was declared a City of Seattle Landmark.
The Pacific Science Center offers an exciting array of permanent and temporary exhibits, all designed to fascinate and educate. Take in the tropical butterfly house, the saltwater tide pool, the naked mole rat cam, the MovieBooth, the dinosaur exhibit, the insect village, and a whole lot more. Facilities even include a real IMAX movie theater, showcasing the latest blockbusters in stunning 3D.
You can find the Pacific Science Center in Seattle Center, up north from our motel in Puyallup. Visit the official Pacific Science Center website to learn more about current exhibits and upcoming events.